Optimizing Top-Level Knowledge and Experience in Estate Law

hand giving another hand a lemon

Time to Renew Your Estate Plan?

An estate plan is crucial for managing it until distribution and protecting against fraud. However,...
man and woman facing each other

Resolving Disputes with Estate Mediation

When a loved one passes away, the family left behind often goes through a challenging...
scales of justice

Tips and Steps for Navigating through Probate

Understanding and successfully navigating through the complex labyrinth of probate processes can be a daunting...
kids walking in building

Estate Planning for 18-Year-Olds or Young Adults

You graduate from High School, and you’ve turned 18. You may be heading off to...
couple reading book

Estate Planning and Elderly Parents 

Yes, it is difficult to think of the death of a parent. Many people therefore...

3 Estate Planning Strategies to Support Family Harmony

Conceptually, people may think estate planning is exclusively about money. But money is just scratching...

New Year, Don’t Put Off Your Estate Plan

Can you believe it's almost another new year? For some, the New Year can bring...

Why Do Most People Not Have an Estate Plan?

Many People Delay Estate Planning Some just don’t see a need to have an estate...
lady sitting and looking at laptop while writing

5 Things An Executor Should Do After Someone Dies 

Your brother told you that you are named in his Will as the Executor of...