Health Care Decision Makers and Surrogates

If you don’t Designate your Health Care Agent, it May be Decided for you. If you are unable to make your own healthcare decisions due to being incapacitated, healthcare providers will turn to surrogate decision-makers to discuss end-of-life issues. A proper surrogate must be identified as the decision maker for healthcare providers to turn to.…

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New Year, Don’t Put Off Your Estate Plan

Can you believe it’s almost another new year? For some, the New Year can bring joy and happiness; for others, a reminder of unmet goals and regret. Right now, we’re in a season of change, a time for transition, as “time waits for no man”.  Don’t Put Off Starting or Updating Your Estate Plan! Starting…

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Why Do Most People Not Have an Estate Plan?

Some just don’t see a need to have an estate plan because they anticipate good health, while others do not view their assets to be anything worthy of an estate plan. EVERYONE should have an estate plan, but only a few people actually have one. The ones that do have an estate plan often fail to update outdated estate planning documents.

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Getting a Divorce? How a Divorce Affects a Trust.

couple removing wedding rings

You get married, you plan on living happily ever after together… no one expects their marriage to end in divorce. You should safeguard your assets. Those with sizable business interests or assets should have a plan in place that protects their interests in case of a divorce.

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5 Things An Executor Should Do After Someone Dies 

lady sitting and looking at laptop while writing

Your brother told you that you are named in his Will as the Executor of his estate. He did so because he trusts in your judgment on family and financial matters. Your brother has now passed away, and you’re wondering where to begin. As a California Estate Planning and Probate Firm, we put together a to-do list of what you should do within the first week of someone’s death. 

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Probates, Probate Alternatives, and Summary Probate Proceedings

Jude gavel and judge writing on paper

What Is Probate? Probate is defined as a legal process during the review of a will, determining its validity and authenticity. Probate is also known as the administration of the deceased will or their estate if there is no will involved.  When the asset-holder has passed away, the court is able to appoint either an…

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Trust Administration 

White figure of person filling in a checklist

What is Involved in Trust Administration? In a testamentary trust, trustees have either been appointed for a living trust, or a will and must perform duties to the highest possible standards of honesty and loyalty. Trustees are expected to maintain impeccable records while furnishing and preparing accountings for the beneficiaries of the trust. In the…

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Estate Administration

Hand with person in it

What Does Estate Administration Involve?  Estate Administration is the process of gathering and distributing of assets and property after an individual’s death. Differing from state to state, time-frames for the administration of an estate can also vary, depending on whether or not all required documents are set up, the estate’s value, and extent, and how…

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How To Prepare For The Care Of Your Aging Parents In California

Caregiver brushing mans hair

Elder Law and What it Takes to Prepare for when the Time Comes Everyone has a unique experience with their parents, but being prepared is vital to success as they age. Some just need basic information for their parents, while others need agencies for eldercare services and resources. Some people may even be looking for…

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